Imperial Analysis
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1 #include <vector>
2 #include <map>
3 #include <utility>
4 #include <string>
27 #include "UserCode/ICHiggsTauTau/interface/TH2DAsymErr.h"
30 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Wrapper.h"
31 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/ValueMap.h"
32 #include "DataFormats/BTauReco/interface/SecondaryVertexTagInfo.h"
33 #include "DataFormats/VertexReco/interface/VertexFwd.h"
34 #include "DataFormats/GsfTrackReco/interface/GsfTrack.h"
35 #include "DataFormats/GsfTrackReco/interface/GsfTrackFwd.h"
36 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowCandidate/interface/PFCandidate.h"
37 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowCandidate/interface/PFCandidateFwd.h"
39 namespace { struct dictionary {
40  ic::Candidate dummy1;
41  std::vector<ic::Candidate> dummy2;
42  ic::Jet dummy3;
43  std::vector<ic::Jet> dummy4;
44  std::map<size_t, float> dummy5;
45  ic::CaloJet dummy6;
46  std::vector<ic::CaloJet> dummy7;
47  ic::GenParticle dummy8;
48  std::vector<ic::GenParticle> dummy9;
49  ic::PFJet dummy10;
50  std::vector<ic::PFJet> dummy11;
51  ic::JPTJet dummy12;
52  std::vector<ic::JPTJet> dummy13;
53  ic::Track dummy14;
54  std::vector<ic::Track> dummy15;
55  ic::GenJet dummy16;
56  std::vector<ic::GenJet> dummy17;
57  ic::Vertex dummy18;
58  std::vector<ic::Vertex> dummy19;
59  std::pair<unsigned long, float> dummy20;
60  std::vector< std::pair<unsigned long, float> > dummy21;
61  ic::Electron dummy22;
62  std::vector<ic::Electron> dummy23;
63  ic::Muon dummy24;
64  std::vector<ic::Muon> dummy25;
65  std::pair<std::string, double> dummy26;
66  std::vector< std::pair<std::string, double> > dummy27;
67  ic::EventInfo dummy28;
68  ic::PileupInfo dummy30;
69  std::vector<ic::PileupInfo> dummy31;
70  ic::TriggerPath dummy32;
71  std::vector<ic::TriggerPath> dummy33;
72  ic::Met dummy34;
73  ic::Met::BasicMet dummy34a;
74  std::map<std::size_t, ic::Met::BasicMet> dummy34b;
75  ic::LightTrack dummy35;
76  std::vector<ic::LightTrack> dummy36;
77  ic::Tau dummy37;
78  std::vector<ic::Tau> dummy38;
79  ic::SuperCluster dummy39;
80  std::vector<ic::SuperCluster> dummy40;
81  ic::TriggerObject dummy41;
82  std::vector<ic::TriggerObject> dummy42;
83  std::vector<ic::Met> dummy43;
84  std::vector<unsigned long> dummy44;
85  edm::Wrapper<std::vector<unsigned long> > dummy45;
86  mithep::TH2DAsymErr dummy46;
87  ic::Photon dummy47;
88  std::vector<ic::Photon> dummy48;
89  ic::SecondaryVertex dummy49;
90  std::vector<ic::SecondaryVertex> dummy50;
91  edm::Wrapper<reco::SecondaryVertexTagInfoRefVector> dummy51;
92  edm::Wrapper<reco::VertexRefVector> dummy52;
93  ic::PFCandidate dummy53;
94  std::vector<ic::PFCandidate> dummy54;
95  edm::Wrapper<reco::GsfTrackRefVector> dummy55;
96  edm::Wrapper<reco::PFCandidateRefVector> dummy56;
97  edm::ValueMap<std::vector<int> > dummy57;
98  edm::Wrapper<edm::ValueMap<std::vector<int> > > dummy58;
99  ic::L1TObject dictL1TObject;
100  std::vector<ic::L1TObject> dictL1TObjectCollection;
101 };
102 }
Stores a missing transverse energy object and the corresponding significance and corrections.
Definition: Met.hh:15
Stores information on the in-time or out-of-time simulated pileup interactions.
Definition: PileupInfo.hh:14
Information on a trigger path, including accept, prescale and version information.
Definition: TriggerPath.hh:13
This class stores a subset of the reco::GsfElectron properties which are most commonly used in analys...
Definition: Electron.hh:26
Stores the basic properties of a generator-level jet, in particular can save the IDs of the GenPartic...
Definition: GenJet.hh:15
Stores a four-momentum, charge and identifier, and is the base class for most other physics objects...
Definition: Candidate.hh:13
Stores the basic properties of PFCandidates (and PackedCandidates for CMSSW 7_X_Y) ...
Definition: PFCandidate.hh:37
A class derived from ic::Jet which adds Jet-plus-track specific information.
Definition: JPTJet.hh:15
A class deriving from ic::Vertex and adding information on the 3D flight distance.
See documentation here.
Definition: SuperCluster.hh:17
Stores core event information such as run, lumi and event number, as well as event weights and filter...
Definition: EventInfo.hh:21
This class stores a subset of the reco::Photon properties which are most commonly used in analysis...
Definition: Photon.hh:13
This class stores a subset of the reco::Muon properties which are most commonly used in analysis...
Definition: Muon.hh:22
Derived from the ic::Jet class and adding information specific to calorimeter jets.
Definition: CaloJet.hh:15
A class deriving from ic::Jet that provides specific information for particle-flow jets...
Definition: PFJet.hh:14
Stores a minimal amount of track information.
Definition: LightTrack.hh:16
Stores limited information about the track kinematics and trajectory.
Definition: Track.hh:18
Stores the four-momentum of a trigger object as well as a list of the (hashed) filter labels the obje...
Stores the basic properties of generator-level particles as well as mother-daughter relations with ot...
Definition: GenParticle.hh:38
Stores information about the position of an event vertex and the quality of the track fit...
Definition: Vertex.hh:15
This class stores a subset of the reco::PFTau properties which are most commonly used in analysis...
Definition: Tau.hh:17
A basic jet class to store properties common to all jet types.
Definition: Jet.hh:17