1 #ifndef ICHiggsTauTau_Electron_hh
2 #define ICHiggsTauTau_Electron_hh
5 #include "Math/Vector4D.h"
6 #include "Math/Vector4Dfwd.h"
7 #include "Math/Point3D.h"
8 #include "Math/Point3Dfwd.h"
28 typedef ROOT::Math::XYZPoint Point;
29 typedef std::map<std::size_t, float> UFmap;
34 virtual void Print()
46 return gen_particles_;
50 inline Point
const {
return ref_point_; }
57 return dr03_ecal_rechit_sum_et_;
62 return dr03_hcal_tower_sum_et_;
67 return ecal_pf_cluster_iso_;
72 return hcal_pf_cluster_iso_;
78 return dr03_pfiso_charged_all_;
96 return dr04_pfiso_charged_all_;
143 inline float f_brem()
const {
return f_brem_; }
146 inline float sc_eta()
const {
return sc_eta_; }
152 inline float sc_theta()
const {
return sc_theta_; }
163 inline float r9()
const {
return r9_; }
166 inline float hcal_sum()
const {
return hcal_sum_; }
175 inline double vx()
const {
return ref_point_.x(); }
178 inline double vy()
const {
return ref_point_.y(); }
181 inline double vz()
const {
return ref_point_.z(); }
354 inline void set_vx(
double const& x) { ref_point_.SetX(x); }
357 inline void set_vy(
double const& y) { ref_point_.SetY(y); }
360 inline void set_vz(
double const& z) { ref_point_.SetZ(z); }
388 void SetIdIso(std::string
const& name,
float const& value);
394 bool HasIdIso(std::string
const& name)
400 float GetIdIso(std::string
const& name)
406 float dr03_tk_sum_pt_;
407 float dr03_ecal_rechit_sum_et_;
408 float dr03_hcal_tower_sum_et_;
411 float ecal_pf_cluster_iso_;
412 float hcal_pf_cluster_iso_;
415 float dr03_pfiso_charged_all_;
416 float dr03_pfiso_charged_;
417 float dr03_pfiso_neutral_;
418 float dr03_pfiso_gamma_;
419 float dr03_pfiso_pu_;
420 float dr04_pfiso_charged_all_;
421 float dr04_pfiso_charged_;
422 float dr04_pfiso_neutral_;
423 float dr04_pfiso_gamma_;
424 float dr04_pfiso_pu_;
426 float hadronic_over_em_;
427 float full5x5_sigma_IetaIeta_;
428 float sigma_IetaIeta_;
429 float dphi_sc_tk_at_vtx_;
430 float deta_sc_tk_at_vtx_;
445 bool has_matched_conversion_;
451 double dxy_beamspot_;
453 std::vector<std::size_t> gen_particles_;
457 #ifndef SKIP_CINT_DICT
float sc_eta() const
Supercluster .
void set_full5x5_sigma_IetaIeta(float const &full5x5_sigma_IetaIeta)
Weighted cluster RMS in the -direction, measured in units of crystals in a 5x5 block centred on the s...
void set_vz(double const &z)
The z-coordinate of the ref_point()
void set_has_matched_conversion(bool const &has_matched_conversion)
True if electron is matched to a conversion vertex.
float sigma_IetaIeta() const
Weighted cluster RMS in the -direction, measured in units of crystals in a 5x5 block centred on the s...
double dxy_vertex() const
Transverse impact parameter of the GSF track with the primary vertex.
double vy() const
The y-coordinate of the ref_point()
void set_dphi_sc_tk_at_vtx(float const &dphi_sc_tk_at_vtx)
between the supercluster and track, where the latter is evaluated from the vertex position ...
void set_dz_vertex(double const &dz_vertex)
Longitudinal impact parameter of the GSF track with the primary vertex.
int gsf_tk_nhits() const
Number of tracker layers between the vertex and the first detected hit the electron should have trave...
float sc_seed_eta() const
Supercluster seed .
float dr04_pfiso_pu() const
PF isolation, using charged pileup in a cone with .
void set_hcal_pf_cluster_iso(float const &hcal_pf_cluster_iso)
HCAL PF cluster isolation.
void set_hcal_sum(float const &hcal_sum)
Calorimeter tower isolation sum.
float dr03_pfiso_neutral() const
PF isolation, using neutral hadrons in a cone with .
void set_dr03_pfiso_pu(float const &dr03_pfiso_pu)
PF isolation, using charged pileup in a cone with .
void set_dr04_pfiso_charged_all(float const &dr04_pfiso_charged_all)
PF isolation, using all charged particles in a cone with .
float f_brem() const
Fraction of momentum lost as bremsstrahlung, as measured in the GSF fit.
float ecal_pf_cluster_iso() const
ECAL PF cluster isolation.
void set_deta_sc_tk_at_vtx(float const &deta_sc_tk_at_vtx)
between the supercluster and track, where the latter is evaluated from the vertex position ...
This class stores a subset of the reco::GsfElectron properties which are most commonly used in analys...
void SetIdIso(std::string const &name, float const &value)
Add a new entry, overwriting any existing one with the same name.
float sc_e_over_p() const
Ratio of supercluster energy to track momentum, where the latter is evaluated at the PCA to the beams...
float dr03_pfiso_charged_all() const
PF isolation, using all charged particles in a cone with .
virtual void Print() const
bool HasIdIso(std::string const &name) const
Check if a value with label name has already been defined.
float dr04_pfiso_charged() const
PF isolation, using charged hadrons in a cone with .
void set_sc_theta(float const &sc_theta)
Supercluster .
float dr03_ecal_rechit_sum_et() const
ECAL isolation in a cone with .
void set_dr03_pfiso_charged(float const &dr03_pfiso_charged)
PF isolation, using charged hadrons in a cone with .
Stores a four-momentum, charge and identifier, and is the base class for most other physics objects...
float conv_dist() const
Minimum distance between conversion tracks (if found)
float sc_energy() const
Supercluster energy.
void set_sc_energy(float const &sc_energy)
Supercluster energy.
float dr04_pfiso_gamma() const
PF isolation, using photons in a cone with .
void set_dr03_pfiso_gamma(float const &dr03_pfiso_gamma)
PF isolation, using photons in a cone with .
void set_dr04_pfiso_pu(float const &dr04_pfiso_pu)
PF isolation, using charged pileup in a cone with .
void set_dr04_pfiso_charged(float const &dr04_pfiso_charged)
PF isolation, using charged hadrons in a cone with .
float conv_dcot() const
between conversion tracks at the conversion vertex
void set_sc_eta(float const &sc_eta)
Supercluster .
void set_ecal_pf_cluster_iso(float const &ecal_pf_cluster_iso)
ECAL PF cluster isolation.
void set_f_brem(float const &f_brem)
Fraction of momentum lost as bremsstrahlung, as measured in the GSF fit.
std::vector< ic::Electron > ElectronCollection
void set_sc_seed_eta(float const &sc_seed_eta)
Supercluster seed .
float r9() const
The ratio of the energy in the 3x3 crystal array centred on the seed over the energy of the complete ...
void set_vx(double const &x)
The x-coordinate of the ref_point()
Point const & ref_point() const
Point-of-closest-approach (PCA) of the electron track to the beamspot.
void set_dr03_hcal_tower_sum_et(float const &dr03_hcal_tower_sum_et)
HCAL isolation in a cone with .
void set_dr03_pfiso_charged_all(float const &dr03_pfiso_charged_all)
PF isolation, using all charged particles in a cone with .
void set_dr04_pfiso_gamma(float const &dr04_pfiso_gamma)
PF isolation, using photons in a cone with .
float dr03_pfiso_pu() const
PF isolation, using charged pileup in a cone with .
void set_conv_dist(float const &conv_dist)
Minimum distance between conversion tracks (if found)
float dr04_pfiso_neutral() const
PF isolation, using neutral hadrons in a cone with .
void set_dr03_tk_sum_pt(float const &dr03_tk_sum_pt)
Tracker isolation in a cone with .
void set_ref_point(Point const &ref_point)
Point-of-closest-approach (PCA) of the electron track to the beamspot.
float full5x5_sigma_IetaIeta() const
Weighted cluster RMS in the -direction, measured in units of crystals in a 5x5 block centred on the s...
void set_dxy_beamspot(double const &dxy_beamspot)
Transverse impact parameter of the GSF track with the beamspot.
float dr03_pfiso_gamma() const
PF isolation, using photons in a cone with .
float deta_sc_tk_at_vtx() const
between the supercluster and track, where the latter is evaluated from the vertex position ...
double dz_vertex() const
Longitudinal impact parameter of the GSF track with the primary vertex.
double vz() const
The z-coordinate of the ref_point()
void set_gen_particles(std::vector< std::size_t > const &gen_particles)
A vector to refer to ic::GenParticle::id() values.
float dr04_pfiso_charged_all() const
PF isolation, using all charged particles in a cone with .
float hcal_pf_cluster_iso() const
HCAL PF cluster isolation.
void set_hadronic_over_em(float const &hadronic_over_em)
Ratio of HCAL to supercluster energy in the region of the electron hit.
float dphi_sc_tk_at_vtx() const
between the supercluster and track, where the latter is evaluated from the vertex position ...
void set_gsf_tk_nhits(int const &gsf_tk_nhits)
Number of tracker layers between the vertex and the first detected hit the electron should have trave...
float dr03_tk_sum_pt() const
Tracker isolation in a cone with .
float hadronic_over_em() const
Ratio of HCAL to supercluster energy in the region of the electron hit.
void set_sigma_IetaIeta(float const &sigma_IetaIeta)
Weighted cluster RMS in the -direction, measured in units of crystals in a 5x5 block centred on the s...
bool has_matched_conversion() const
True if electron is matched to a conversion vertex.
void set_r9(float const &r9)
The ratio of the energy in the 3x3 crystal array centred on the seed over the energy of the complete ...
double dxy_beamspot() const
Transverse impact parameter of the GSF track with the beamspot.
float dr03_hcal_tower_sum_et() const
HCAL isolation in a cone with .
void set_vy(double const &y)
The y-coordinate of the ref_point()
double vx() const
The x-coordinate of the ref_point()
float GetIdIso(std::string const &name) const
Get the value associated to a label.
void set_dr03_pfiso_neutral(float const &dr03_pfiso_neutral)
PF isolation, using neutral hadrons in a cone with .
float dr03_pfiso_charged() const
PF isolation, using charged hadrons in a cone with .
void set_conv_dcot(float const &conv_dcot)
between conversion tracks at the conversion vertex
void set_ecal_energy(float const &ecal_energy)
The corrected supercluster energy.
void set_dr03_ecal_rechit_sum_et(float const &dr03_ecal_rechit_sum_et)
ECAL isolation in a cone with .
void set_dr04_pfiso_neutral(float const &dr04_pfiso_neutral)
PF isolation, using neutral hadrons in a cone with .
void set_dxy_vertex(double const &dxy_vertex)
Transverse impact parameter of the GSF track with the primary vertex.
std::vector< std::size_t > const & gen_particles() const
A vector to refer to ic::GenParticle::id() values.
float sc_theta() const
Supercluster .
float hcal_sum() const
Calorimeter tower isolation sum.
float ecal_energy() const
The corrected supercluster energy.
void set_sc_e_over_p(float const &sc_e_over_p)
Ratio of supercluster energy to track momentum, where the latter is evaluated at the PCA to the beams...