4 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
5 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
6 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
7 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
8 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
9 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
10 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/View.h"
11 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/ValueMap.h"
12 #include "DataFormats/EgammaCandidates/interface/GsfElectron.h"
13 #include "DataFormats/GsfTrackReco/interface/GsfTrack.h"
14 #include "DataFormats/VertexReco/interface/Vertex.h"
15 #include "DataFormats/VertexReco/interface/VertexFwd.h"
16 #include "DataFormats/BeamSpot/interface/BeamSpot.h"
24 : charged_all(pset.getParameter<
25 charged(pset.getParameter<
26 neutral(pset.getParameter<
27 gamma(pset.getParameter<
28 pu(pset.getParameter<
"pu")) {
29 collector.consumes<edm::ValueMap<double>>(charged_all);
30 collector.consumes<edm::ValueMap<double>>(charged);
31 collector.consumes<edm::ValueMap<double>>(neutral);
32 collector.consumes<edm::ValueMap<double>>(
33 collector.consumes<edm::ValueMap<double>>(pu);
36 ICElectronProducer::ClusterIsoTags::ClusterIsoTags(edm::ParameterSet
const& pset,
edm::ConsumesCollector && collector)
37 : ecal(pset.getParameter<
38 hcal(pset.getParameter<
"hcal")) {
39 collector.consumes<edm::ValueMap<double>>(ecal);
40 collector.consumes<edm::ValueMap<double>>(hcal);
44 : input_(config.getParameter<
45 branch_(config.getParameter<
46 input_r9_(config.getParameter<
47 do_r9_(config.getParameter<bool>(
48 input_hcal_sum_(config.getParameter<
49 do_hcal_sum_(config.getParameter<bool>(
50 input_vertices_(config.getParameter<
51 do_vertex_ip_(config.getParameter<bool>(
52 input_beamspot_(config.getParameter<
53 do_beamspot_ip_(config.getParameter<bool>(
54 input_conversion_matches_(
55 config.getParameter<
56 do_conversion_matches_(
57 config.getParameter<bool>(
61 do_cluster_iso_(config.getParameter<bool>(
62 do_pf_iso_03_(config.getParameter<bool>(
63 do_pf_iso_04_(config.getParameter<bool>(
"includePFIso04")) {
64 consumes<edm::View<reco::GsfElectron>>(input_);
65 consumes<edm::ValueMap<float>>(input_r9_);
66 consumes<edm::ValueMap<float>>(input_hcal_sum_);
67 consumes<edm::View<reco::Vertex>>(input_vertices_);
68 consumes<reco::BeamSpot>(input_beamspot_);
69 consumes<edm::ValueMap<bool>>(input_conversion_matches_);
71 electrons_ =
new std::vector<ic::Electron>();
73 edm::ParameterSet pset_floats =
74 config.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>(
75 std::vector<std::string> vec =
76 pset_floats.getParameterNamesForType<edm::InputTag>();
77 for (
unsigned i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
78 input_vmaps_.push_back(std::make_pair(
79 vec[i], pset_floats.getParameter<edm::InputTag>(vec[i])));
80 consumes<edm::ValueMap<float>>(input_vmaps_[i].second);
88 PrintOptional(1, do_conversion_matches_,
95 void ICElectronProducer::produce(edm::Event& event,
96 const edm::EventSetup& setup) {
97 edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::GsfElectron> > elecs_handle;
98 event.getByLabel(input_, elecs_handle);
100 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<float> > r9_handle;
101 if (do_r9_)
event.getByLabel(input_r9_, r9_handle);
103 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<float> > hcal_sum_handle;
104 if (do_hcal_sum_)
event.getByLabel(input_hcal_sum_, hcal_sum_handle);
106 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<bool> > conversion_matches_handle;
107 if (do_conversion_matches_)
108 event.getByLabel(input_conversion_matches_, conversion_matches_handle);
110 edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Vertex> > vertices_handle;
111 if (do_vertex_ip_)
event.getByLabel(input_vertices_, vertices_handle);
113 edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> beamspot_handle;
114 if (do_beamspot_ip_)
event.getByLabel(input_beamspot_, beamspot_handle);
116 std::vector<edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<float> > > float_handles(
117 input_vmaps_.size());
118 for (
unsigned i = 0; i < float_handles.size(); ++i) {
119 event.getByLabel(input_vmaps_[i].second, float_handles[i]);
122 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<double> > charged_all_03;
123 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<double> > charged_03;
124 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<double> > neutral_03;
125 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<double> > gamma_03;
126 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<double> > pu_03;
127 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<double> > ecal_pf_cluster_iso;
128 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<double> > hcal_pf_cluster_iso;
130 if (do_cluster_iso_){
131 event.getByLabel(cluster_iso_.ecal, ecal_pf_cluster_iso);
132 event.getByLabel(cluster_iso_.hcal, hcal_pf_cluster_iso);
135 event.getByLabel(pf_iso_03_.charged_all, charged_all_03);
136 event.getByLabel(pf_iso_03_.charged, charged_03);
137 event.getByLabel(pf_iso_03_.neutral, neutral_03);
138 event.getByLabel(pf_iso_03_.gamma, gamma_03);
139 event.getByLabel(pf_iso_03_.pu, pu_03);
142 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<double> > charged_all_04;
143 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<double> > charged_04;
144 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<double> > neutral_04;
145 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<double> > gamma_04;
146 edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<double> > pu_04;
148 event.getByLabel(pf_iso_04_.charged_all, charged_all_04);
149 event.getByLabel(pf_iso_04_.charged, charged_04);
150 event.getByLabel(pf_iso_04_.neutral, neutral_04);
151 event.getByLabel(pf_iso_04_.gamma, gamma_04);
152 event.getByLabel(pf_iso_04_.pu, pu_04);
157 electrons_->resize(elecs_handle->size(),
159 for (
unsigned i = 0; i < elecs_handle->size(); ++i) {
160 reco::GsfElectron
const& src = elecs_handle->at(i);
161 edm::RefToBase<reco::GsfElectron> ref = elecs_handle->refAt(i);
163 dest.
180 if (src.gsfTrack().isNonnull()) {
183 src.gsfTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfHits(
184 reco::HitPattern::MISSING_INNER_HITS));
187 src.gsfTrack()->trackerExpectedHitsInner().numberOfHits());
193 if (src.superCluster().isNonnull()) {
195 dest.
205 dest.
210 if (do_conversion_matches_) {
214 for (
unsigned v = 0; v < float_handles.size(); ++v) {
215 dest.
216 (*(float_handles[v]))[ref]);
219 if (do_cluster_iso_) {
241 if (vertices_handle->size() > 0) {
242 reco::Vertex
const& vtx = vertices_handle->at(0);
247 if (do_beamspot_ip_) {
251 if (src.superCluster()->seed().isNonnull()) {
258 void ICElectronProducer::beginJob() {
262 void ICElectronProducer::endJob() {
void set_full5x5_sigma_IetaIeta(float const &full5x5_sigma_IetaIeta)
Weighted cluster RMS in the -direction, measured in units of crystals in a 5x5 block centred on the s...
void set_vz(double const &z)
The z-coordinate of the ref_point()
void set_has_matched_conversion(bool const &has_matched_conversion)
True if electron is matched to a conversion vertex.
void set_dphi_sc_tk_at_vtx(float const &dphi_sc_tk_at_vtx)
between the supercluster and track, where the latter is evaluated from the vertex position ...
void set_dz_vertex(double const &dz_vertex)
Longitudinal impact parameter of the GSF track with the primary vertex.
void set_hcal_pf_cluster_iso(float const &hcal_pf_cluster_iso)
HCAL PF cluster isolation.
void set_hcal_sum(float const &hcal_sum)
Calorimeter tower isolation sum.
void set_dr03_pfiso_pu(float const &dr03_pfiso_pu)
PF isolation, using charged pileup in a cone with .
void set_dr04_pfiso_charged_all(float const &dr04_pfiso_charged_all)
PF isolation, using all charged particles in a cone with .
void set_deta_sc_tk_at_vtx(float const &deta_sc_tk_at_vtx)
between the supercluster and track, where the latter is evaluated from the vertex position ...
This class stores a subset of the reco::GsfElectron properties which are most commonly used in analys...
void SetIdIso(std::string const &name, float const &value)
Add a new entry, overwriting any existing one with the same name.
void set_sc_theta(float const &sc_theta)
Supercluster .
void set_dr03_pfiso_charged(float const &dr03_pfiso_charged)
PF isolation, using charged hadrons in a cone with .
void set_phi(double const &phi)
Direct access to .
void set_sc_energy(float const &sc_energy)
Supercluster energy.
void set_dr03_pfiso_gamma(float const &dr03_pfiso_gamma)
PF isolation, using photons in a cone with .
void set_id(std::size_t const &id)
Unique identifier.
void set_dr04_pfiso_pu(float const &dr04_pfiso_pu)
PF isolation, using charged pileup in a cone with .
void set_dr04_pfiso_charged(float const &dr04_pfiso_charged)
PF isolation, using charged hadrons in a cone with .
void set_charge(int const &charge)
Electric charge.
void set_sc_eta(float const &sc_eta)
Supercluster .
void set_ecal_pf_cluster_iso(float const &ecal_pf_cluster_iso)
ECAL PF cluster isolation.
void set_f_brem(float const &f_brem)
Fraction of momentum lost as bremsstrahlung, as measured in the GSF fit.
void set_sc_seed_eta(float const &sc_seed_eta)
Supercluster seed .
void set_vx(double const &x)
The x-coordinate of the ref_point()
void set_dr03_hcal_tower_sum_et(float const &dr03_hcal_tower_sum_et)
HCAL isolation in a cone with .
void set_dr03_pfiso_charged_all(float const &dr03_pfiso_charged_all)
PF isolation, using all charged particles in a cone with .
void set_dr04_pfiso_gamma(float const &dr04_pfiso_gamma)
PF isolation, using photons in a cone with .
void set_conv_dist(float const &conv_dist)
Minimum distance between conversion tracks (if found)
void set_dr03_tk_sum_pt(float const &dr03_tk_sum_pt)
Tracker isolation in a cone with .
void set_dxy_beamspot(double const &dxy_beamspot)
Transverse impact parameter of the GSF track with the beamspot.
void set_energy(double const &energy)
Direct access to the energy.
void set_hadronic_over_em(float const &hadronic_over_em)
Ratio of HCAL to supercluster energy in the region of the electron hit.
void set_gsf_tk_nhits(int const &gsf_tk_nhits)
Number of tracker layers between the vertex and the first detected hit the electron should have trave...
void set_sigma_IetaIeta(float const &sigma_IetaIeta)
Weighted cluster RMS in the -direction, measured in units of crystals in a 5x5 block centred on the s...
void set_r9(float const &r9)
The ratio of the energy in the 3x3 crystal array centred on the seed over the energy of the complete ...
ICElectronProducer(const edm::ParameterSet &)
void set_vy(double const &y)
The y-coordinate of the ref_point()
edm::ConsumesCollector consumesCollector()
void set_pt(double const &pt)
Direct access to the .
void set_eta(double const &eta)
Direct access to .
void set_dr03_pfiso_neutral(float const &dr03_pfiso_neutral)
PF isolation, using neutral hadrons in a cone with .
void set_conv_dcot(float const &conv_dcot)
between conversion tracks at the conversion vertex
void set_ecal_energy(float const &ecal_energy)
The corrected supercluster energy.
void set_dr03_ecal_rechit_sum_et(float const &dr03_ecal_rechit_sum_et)
ECAL isolation in a cone with .
void set_dr04_pfiso_neutral(float const &dr04_pfiso_neutral)
PF isolation, using neutral hadrons in a cone with .
void set_dxy_vertex(double const &dxy_vertex)
Transverse impact parameter of the GSF track with the primary vertex.
void set_sc_e_over_p(float const &sc_e_over_p)
Ratio of supercluster energy to track momentum, where the latter is evaluated at the PCA to the beams...