Imperial Analysis
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Deprecated List
Global ic::CompositeCandidate::At (unsigned index) const
Use at(std::size_t const&) instead
Global ic::CompositeCandidate::DeltaPhi (std::string name1, std::string name2) const
Avoid methods that aren't simple getters/setters in the future. Use a free function instead.
Global ic::CompositeCandidate::DeltaR (std::string name1, std::string name2) const
Avoid methods that aren't simple getters/setters in the future. Use a free function instead.
Global ic::CompositeCandidate::GetCandidate (std::string name) const
Use at(std::string const&) instead
Global ic::CompositeCandidate::PtOf (std::string name) const
Use a free function or at("name")->pt() instead
Global ic::CompositeCandidate::ScalarPtSum () const
Avoid methods that aren't simple getters/setters in the future. Can be replaced by a free function doing something like:
double pt_sum = std::accumulate(begin(), end(), 0.,
[](double x, Candidate* c) { return x + c->pt(); });
Global ic::Electron::gen_particles () const
This property is no longer filled in the ICElectronProducer. It is advised to save generator-level electrons that may be needed for matching using the ICGenParticleProducer and to identify matches in the analysis code.
Global ic::Jet::gen_particles () const
This property is no longer filled in the ICJetProducer. It is advised to save generator-level particles or jets that may be needed for matching.
Global ic::Muon::gen_particles () const
This property is no longer filled in the ICMuonProducer. It is advised to save generator-level electrons that may be needed for matching using the ICGenParticleProducer and to identify matches in the analysis code.
Global ic::PFJet::pu_id_mva_loose () const
The working point has changed with each new training of the MVA, and should instead be implemented in a free function