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Setting up CMSSW in the git era

The entire CMSSW area (under the /src directory) is controlled by a single git repository. We create a new branch starting from a given release tag, e.g. CMSSW_5_3_7, and through successive commits build up the set of modified packages we need to run our own analysis code. One advantage of this method is that a user doesn't have to build this branch for every new CMSSW area they create, but can simply "fetch" a pre-built branch from a remote fork of the CMSSW git repository.

The CMSSW-facing part of this package is designed to compile and run out-of-the-box in a wide range of CMSSW releases. If all you need to do is run some code in this package in an un-modified CMSSW release then there is no need to set up git to the manage the CMSSW working area, just clone this repository into UserCode/ICHiggsTauTau following the instructions below and compile normally with scram.

Setting up CMSSW using a pre-configured branch

The official CMSSW repository is hosted here: If you do not already have a GitHub account, please read through the instructions at, in particular ensure you have configured git with your personal information:

git config --global [First Name] [Last Name]
git config --global [Email Address]
git config --global user.github [GitHub account name]
#If you are running at IC you also need to do: git config --global http.sslVerify false
#This extra line is not needed at CERN. Anywhere else if you see a fatal error message relating to SSL certificate problems it may be required

Before working with CMSSW in git, you will need to create a copy (or fork) of the official CMSSW repository in your own account at You will be able to store your own CMSSW branches and developments in this forked repository.c

You also need to follow the instructions here to create and add a ssh key:

Create a new CMSSW area:

export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc700
# The SCRAM_ARCH parameter will depend on what CMSSW release you are trying to use. For both using the analyser and ntuple production we currently use CMSSW_10_2_19 which uses slc7_amd64_gcc700 as above
scramv1 project CMSSW CMSSW_10_2_19
cd CMSSW_10_2_19/src/

Initialise this area for git by adding a single package:

git cms-addpkg FWCore/Version
# If you are not running on a machine based at CERN, this script will ask if you want to create a new reference repository.
# You should answer yes to this, and the script will copy the entire cmssw repository to your home folder,
# which will make setting up subsequent release areas a lot faster.

This command will have created two remote repositories, official-cmssw and my-cmssw. It will also have created and switched to a new branch, from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z. An additional remote can be added which provides the pre-configured branches shared by the group:

git remote add ic-cmssw
# fetch from the ic-cmssw remote repository and merge the from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z into your own local branch.
git pull ic-cmssw from-CMSSW_10_2_19
# Check which branch you actually need to merge in here. Descriptive names are useful, e.g. "higgstautau_from-CMSSW_5_3_7"

# At this point, if you run 'ls' you will not see any new packages in the release area.
# This is because the repository operates in sparse-checkout mode, hiding folders unless they are
# explicitly made visible.  This is important, as we don't want to have to compile every single package.
# To make the packages visible that have been modified from the release tag, run these commands:

git cms-sparse-checkout CMSSW_10_2_19 HEAD
git read-tree -mu HEAD

Next, add the IC analysis code package:

git clone UserCode/ICHiggsTauTau

If you want to run the vertex refitting you need to also clone this directory:

git clone VertexRefit/TauRefit/

At this point everything is ready, and the working area can be compiled in the normal way with scram. New developments that are relevant for everyone can be committed to a branch and pushed to central IC repository (ic-cmssw). If you wish to test some new changes, or just share with specific people, it will be safer to work from a new branch, either based on the CMSSW release tag, or some commit on the from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z branch, e.g.

git checkout -b my-analysis-from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z CMSSW_X_Y_Z # from the release tag
git checkout -b my-analysis-from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z # from the pre-configured branch
... do some development ...
git push my-cmssw my-new-branch